Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 5: at Our Bats, Your Balls

Conundrums 18
OBYB 4 (5 Innings)
Attendance: You Cannot Be Serious!
Season Attendance To Date: Stuck on 1

Poser Bats Pummel Their Balls
Eddie Still Not Snoozin', Swanny Hitches Up

Coach Tomey presents TWIX to Ryan Wilcoxen -(2-4, HR(2), RBI (7) - who became
the first Conundrum to hit two HR's and take a 'K' in the same game. Many say it's
a feat that will never be broken

– Despite coming off 3 straight idle weeks, the Conundrums were in mid-season form, smacking Our Bats, Your Balls around the park Monday night, with an impressive balanced attack. The 5 inning game-shortened matchup featured a Conundrum lineup from top to bottom that peppered the Bats ‘n Balls gang repeatedly. Although he did his best to throw himself out of contention with a Scarlett K, former “Pop(Up)” star, Ryan Wilcoxen set an all time record with two ding-dongs including an inside the park job and 7 RBI’s that all but sealed his first MVP Crunchoclaty since sweeping the TWIXes on Random Night in 2010. Wilky had plenty of contenders including Dave “Sundance” Brubaker (4fer4), and Dan “Gimme Some Water” Batt (4fer4). Even Tom “Hody-Doe” Hodorff broke out of an early season slump with 3 knocks to raise his average hundreds of points. On the hill, Dale St. Aubin continues to dominate the opposition with that classic ball movement (oh it moves, baby!) and his fondness for smacking meaningless long balls over the fence otherwise known as the dreaded HR-outs.

She’s Likes Her Highballs
- The newly instituted 10 foot pitching arc was put on temporary hiatus by home plate ump Marge Largesse, who apparently hasn’t seen a strike she didn’t like. Both pitchers enjoyed unfettered freedom of expression as Marge consistently called pitches that were higher than the” Heroes of Hemp Association”. Marge repeatedly put hitters from both teams on notice that it was open season on the 10 foot pitching arc. Several players from the OBYB’s nearly got run when they questioned how a pitch soaring higher than the backstop fence could be strike-worthy. Although admitting to an occasional ocular disorder seizure, Marge insists there’s nothing irregular about her depth perception. She later blamed 8 failed attempts to grab the car door handle on dirt-smeared corrective lenses.

“Run Jimmy Run!”
- The post-game TWIX presentation ceremony was marred with scandal when Wilky took temporary leave of his senses as he attempted to offer his prized TWIXie to a frightened toddler passing by. The boy’s “don’t take candy from strangers” instinct kicked in as he ran from the bewildered Wilky. His good intentions notwithstanding, Mr. Wilcoxen has been suspended from the South Denver PTA and stripped of his duties as Boy Scout Leader of Troup #642 indefinitely. On the bright side, the Denver Diocese Archbisop Chaput issued a statement that should the Wilkster ever receive the “calling”, the Catholic Church would be very interested in discussing a career change.

Week 5 MIA Report:
Sadly, Eddie Layton’s sleepless Sundays continue. Apparently the advice from teammates in the infomercially “I’m So Tired” TWICS Short Film had no positive impact on Sleepy Hollow Eddie. We’ll follow this story through a successful conclusion or when it puts our TWICS Subscribers to sleep, whichever happens first….Eric “Ball ‘n Chain” Swanson finally made good on his threat to get hitched and is presumably on his way to the Hawaiian Islands, hoping to consummate his matrimonial vows with something other than an offering of Canadian cheddar cheese and a game of cornhole. We’re not really sure what all this means, but it makes for interesting press.

Like Eric, like Brandon:
Unbeknownst to many but only the most exclusive TWICS insiders, when Swanny announced last year his bridal engagement, Brandon Casey thought that a bloody good idea, dumped his mannequin, hokey pokeyed his way down to Safeway and hung out in the Produce section until Mrs. Casey walked his way. 5 weeks and 3 restraining orders later, he finally met his soulmate which will culminate in yet another Conundrum walking down the aisle and biting dust this Saturday. Congratulations to the Caseys!

Rule Book, Please!
- This week's Einstein Award goes to none other than part-time Puzzler, Dan "H2O" Batt. “E=MC²” Dan suffered two brain farts, the first happening sometime between the first and last inning, failing to run from 2B after the ball was hit into play with two outs; blunder #2 occurred later in the game sometime after the first incident but before the game ended. This time, Danny Boy froze at the plate after putting a pitch in play that was initially called “illegal” by Marge. Responding to criticism after the game, the confounded acting Denver Water Manager of Path of Least Resistance stated he’s been gone from the game so long “they must have changed the rules."

Sean's "Unlimited" Power -
After somehow miraculously hitting safely in his first two plate appearances, Sean Butcher advised Dan Batt to stick around the vicinity of first base, implying that his services as a substitute runner for the "weak in the knees" Butch would surely be needed. True to his word, Butchy knocked his third hit of the game, his first multi-hit game performance in nearly 7 years. Keen to the moment, Assistant Coach Jason Emmot noted that Butchy's unparalleled swagger was inspired from attending a Tony Robbins seminar. "He clearly read Tony's Awaken The Giant From Within" said a tongue-in-cheek Emwa. "If Sean awakens any more of the giant within himself, we'll have to sew two Conundrum shirts together to comply with Lakewood Softball requirements." Give yourself a hand Sean! You have UNLIMITED POWER!

(Or at least enough to get to first base!)

The Loneliest Number – Through 5 games, the Conundrums aggregate attendance is 1, averaging an astounding 0.2 fans per game. With less than one person rooting on the ‘drums, the situation has become so dire the only creatures lining up for a pre-game Tim Doherty autograph are the park squirrels. Team officials, hoping to circumvent further embarrassment have ordered manniquins as an illusionary tactic. One unnamed source stated cheerfully, “if we pull this off, we’ll eat like kings.”

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