Conundrums 10
Swingers 7 (8 innings)
Attendance: 2
Year to date: 14
Conundrums Take 8 Innings to Win 7th Straight, and Season Series Against the Swingers
Lakewood, CO (TP) – The Conundrums once again lived up to their name Monday night at Lakewood Park. After jumping out to a less than impressive 6-0 lead, the Puzzlemen watched the Swingers make an incredible comeback to tie the game at 7’s in the bottom of the 7th.
But those lucky 7’s eventually proved fortuitous for the Conundrums. With the rally caps on their opponents heads, and the momentum going against them, the Puzzlers (unlike the US Men’s Soccer team against Ghana) mustered enough mustard in the extra stanza to take a 10-7 lead that they refused to relinquish.
Golden Gloves: The Conundrums once again proved that Championships are won with defense, flashing their gloves amongst the 12” tall grass, and knotty infield. Tom, Paul and Bob (yeah even Bob) each made incredible running, over-the-shoulder catches to rob the Swinger's swingers. Bob admitted after the game that his catch was sheer luck. “I was terrified,” said Bob. “All I could think of was Eddie running headlong into the right field fence, and picturing multiple butterfly bandages on my beautiful face. To be honest, I closed my eyes and fate take over.”
Eddie The Ham: Coach Tomey rewards Fast Eddie’s hot bat with a move up in the batting order. Eddie rewards coach by pulling his hamstring. To Eddie's credit, he apologized for the hammy pull, promising a more disciplined stretching regimen in future contests. Will the great experiment continue? Only the shadow knows.
Manny Corpas: In the bottom of the last inning with a comfortable two run lead, and a man on first, Starting/Closing pitcher Dale St. Aubin did his best Manny Corpas impression, serving up an ill advised “fast” ball which subsequently left the park to tie the game at 7’s. Said Dale, “Eddie called for a hanging slider. In hindsight, I should have taken his advice.”
Chocolateversy: The TWIX Crunchchocolaty Award was subject to debate this week, as Tom (4-5, RBI) snuck off with his second coach’s MVP nod of the season over weekly runner-up Brandon (3-4, RBI, SF). Tom justified his nomination by saying, “Let’s fact it, Sacrifice Flies are for sissies.”
MIA: Brubaker and Batt (a/k/a “the 2Bs) wandering the high country on secret highway and water theft expeditions. Wilcoxen takes mysterious leave of absence, leaving team hoping that Butcher’s aliens didn’t abduct Ryan too.
Tomey to High Country: Singing a John Denver tune in his head, and thinking about growing a “Mountain Vacation Beard”, Bob shirks off his weekly TWICS duties to an unprepared Emwa. Said the skipper, “To be fair, I won’t have time for the TWICS this week. Criticizing Atlas Shrugged on the banks of a high mountain lake, is at least a 7 day effort.”
Race for the Title: With their 7th win in a row, the Conundrums maintained their share of 1st place with the next opponent, and recipient of an early season 23-8 drubbing by the ‘Drums, the Fat Old Men. Not to stir up any controversy or anything, but the team should be aware that the F.O.M. are advertising the matchup as “Get Revenge on Those Beatches Night”.
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