Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Week 5 vs Titans

Titans: 14
Conundrums: 11

Attendance: 0
Season Total: 2

Titans Rule the Pantheon
Conundrums lose battle against Zeus, Hades, and even Hera

Guest host Ryan Wilcoxen presents the coaches MVP award (Killians Red) to team MVP Tim Doherty (1-4, 0 R, 0 RBI) for couragous acts in the face of extreme adversity.  That's how we roll on this team. 

Lakewood, CO (TP) – The Conundrums put up a valiant effort on Monday night, yet dropped a close game 14-11 against newfound rivals the Titans. The Conundrums simply couldn’t muster the mustard while playing a man down (technically a “person down”) for the entire game.

The Conundrums trailed from the beginning, yet stayed within striking distance the entire way. Finding themselves down by a paltry 3 runs entering the bottom of the 9th inning, the Puzzlers shat the proverbial bed, scoring exactly zero (0) runs before retiring to the bleachers for the traditional banter, manly softball beverages, and stories we’ve all heard more than once. Gone are the days of topical political mockery spearheaded by the likes of Satriano and Sullivan. Lo how we miss listening to Duschinski, Ritchie and Layton address quality, beer-soaked topics such as v-strokes, belt drives, and soft-tails. Anyhow, I digress…

MIA Tomey: Coach Bob could not attend as he was touring the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY. At the same time the Puzzler’s leader was ironically being inspired by the greatest teammates to ever grace the diamond, his team was unsuccessfully, yet valiantly, battling the mighty Titans without him, quite literally leaving blood, sweat and beers on the field.

A statistical analysis performed after the game indicated that the Conundrums had a 86.932% chance of winning the game had Bob played. However, all was quickly forgiven as word spread that Bob planned to distribute gifts to the team consisting of trinkets acquired at the Cooperstown gift shop. Butcher couldn’t contain his excitement as he anticipated a HOF bottle opener. Wilcoxen practically hyperventilated as he imagined his lukewarm PBR wrapped in a Ryne Sandberg beer koozie.

MIA Casey: Celebrating the historical first anniversary of his wedding, Brandon skipped out on the team as well. Congratulations Brandon! We all knew you could make it a year. Well…everyone except for Dave, who now owes the rest of the team $1 each from the Casey wedding pool.

That’s Gonna Leave a Mark: Iron man, and interim Third Baseman, Timmy D took a screamer off his left forearm in the 5th inning resulting in a blood filled, bulbous lump, approximately the size of a medium sized hamster. All signs, except for Tim’s stiff lip, adequate finger mobility, and lack of screaming, pointed towards a broken Radius.

In a stoic show of Kirk Gibson(ish) proportions, Timmy took only one inning off (leaving the Conundrums two (2) persons down), returning the field to bat in the bottom of the 6th inning. As Tim limped into the batter’s box, he gingerly gripped the bat, stared down Dennis Eckersley (or some guy that looked nothing like Dennis in any shape or form) and dug his foot into the playground sand. The pitch was delivered, and Tim swung the bat with the might of a man twice his size. Alas, the storybook ending was not to be, as the stoke was grounded weakly to the 2nd baseman who threw him out by 15 steps.

Fun Fact of the Day: Despite the loss to the Titans, the Conundrums hold the tie-breaker against the newbies by virtue of run differential.

Hey Eric! Yeah, I’m talking to YOU: You’re welcome in advance. Now, bookmark this URL:

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